SIGNIA Pure Charge&Go 7IX

Type of hearing aid:
Color: Pearl White

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Product specifications

The Xperience platform is entirely designed to relieve and support you where it is most needed. This is based on several essential foundations on which the hearing aids are built.

For the first time, acoustic and motion sensors have been used. Thanks to these sensors, the hearing aid can now detect how the hearing situation changes with movement.

The 7IX hearing aid is the most complete hearing aid from the Xperience series. Compared to the 5IX and 3IX models, the 7IX allows you to understand better in noise. Additionally, hearing in noisy environments or in the car is more comfortable. The 7X model also features the most extensive music program.

The Signia Pure Charge&Go 7IX represents the most advanced version of the Pure Charge&Go product family.

User manual: Click here

Product features to be found here: Click here

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