AUDIO SERVICE Smart Key Remote control


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Product specifications

The compact remote control for hearing aids from Audio Service is ideal for on the go – suitable for your pocket or keychain. The Smart Key communicates through high-frequency tones and acoustically addresses the hearing aids, making it compatible with many hearing aids from the extensive Audio Service range.

With the Smart Key remote control, you have access to the volume of your hearing aids and can quickly switch hearing programs. Due to its small design, the remote control can be attached to your keychain or discreetly stored in your pocket. This way, you always have the practical remote control for your Audio Service hearing aids with you.

You can pair it with your hearing aids yourself:

  • First, activate the Smart Key's keypad lock (red).
  • Open and close the battery compartments of your hearing aids to put them into "pairing mode."
  • Hold down the "P" button while simultaneously unlocking the keypad lock (green).
  • Keep holding the "P" button until a confirmation tone sounds in your hearing aids.

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