PHONAK Lumity Audeo L50-RL

Type of hearing aid:
Color: Champagne

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Product specifications

The Phonak Audeo Lumity L50-RL provides the best hearing experiences in everyday life with outstanding sound quality, smart features, and universal Bluetooth connectivity.

The hearing aid selectively filters out disturbing background noise and automatically detects hearing situations or movements.

With the powerful lithium-ion battery and the handy charging case, you are supplied with full hearing power all day long.

Additionally the Phonak Audeo Lumity L90-RL is also Waterproof


Hearing Aid style Rechargeable
Hearing Loss Severe
Max Gain 71 dB
MPO 132 dB
Battery Rechargeable battery
Water Resistant Water resistant hearing aid including water, sweat, moisture and dust.
Channels 16
Telecare Yes
Performance level Standard
T-Coil No
Manual volume control Yes
Connectivity Yes
Bluetooth® Made For All (MFA)
Music Offers an expanded dynamic range, slow compression speed and more gain for a fuller and richer music experience.
Comfort in Noise Actively reduces noise for increased comfort when no speech is present.
Speech in Noise Adapts and reduces noise from behind in real time and applies and optimizes the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) in noisy environments.
Calm Situation Provides optimal gain for speech understanding and listening comfort when engaging in one-on-one conversations in quiet.
Acoustic phone The key feature DuoPhone streams the signal in real time to the other ear so the caller's voice is heard in both ears with an average benefit of 3 dB SNR.
Streamed speech Optimized sound quality when streaming speech.
Streamed music Optimized sound quality when streaming music.
Additional programs 4
SNR-Boost Yes
UltraZoom Standard with SNR-Boost
WindBlock WindBlock utilizes a wind identification and classification system, that automatically and adaptively suppresses wind noise.
DuoPhone Improves understanding on the phone by automatically streaming the caller's voice to the other ear, so that the voice is heard in both ears simultaneously.
Real Ear Sound Real Ear Sound simulates the performance characteristics of teh pinna. This restores localization and the ability to experience natural sound perception.
Environmental balance Yes
Tinnitus Balance noise generator The Tinnitus Balance noise generator generates a broadband sound for use in tinnitus management therapies.
WhistleBlock WhistleBlock differentiates between naturally occurring feedback-like sounds and true feedback. This means increased audibility and sound quality that is free from annoying feedback.
NoiseBlock Noise Block Processing is particularly effective at reducing uncomfortable environmental noise. 
QuickSync One touch on the program selection button or volume control results in instant identical change in the other instrument.
auto Acclimatation auto Acclimatization is used to automatically increase the client's amplification, while the client is using the device. 
Motion Sensor Hearing It detects whether the user is still or moving and the level of noise in the environment to focus the directional microphones towards speech.
SoundRecover2 The next generation of SoundRecover further improves audibility and utilizes an adaptive frequency lowering algorithm.
Soft noise reducer Soft noise reduction reduces gain for sounds like clock ticking or fan noise.
Health sensors Through the manufacturer's own application, the user can consult different data related to their general health and their activity.


User manual: Click here

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