BestelUw Hoortoestellen
Uw apparaten worden door onze audiciens aangepast aan uw behoeften voordat ze worden verzonden
ADVANCED HEARING TECHNOLOGY MEETS FIRST-CLASS CUSTOMER SERVICE - Contact us directly: (+49) 421 39974010 or (+31) 412 252010
Uw apparaten worden door onze audiciens aangepast aan uw behoeften voordat ze worden verzonden
Receivers suitable for the following device family:
If your hearing aid sounds muffled or does not transmit speech clearly, the filter in the speaker might be clogged. If the sound quality does not improve after replacing the filter, the receiver may need to be completely replaced.
You can determine the strength and length you need, or the type of receiver currently connected to your hearing aid, by checking the side of your current speaker.
Please note that changing the receiver strength always requires reprogramming your hearing aids by an audiologist!
Changing the receiver length does not affect the amplification.
Please note that we cannot accept returns of opened packages for hygienic reasons. The packaging is transparent, allowing you to see the contents and easily exchange the item in case of an incorrect order.