SIGNIA Styletto 5IX

Type of hearing aid:
Color: Snow White/Silver

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Product specifications

Signia Styletto 5IX is a mid-high-range hearing aid with exceptional, award-winning design. In addition to Li-ion batteries, Bluetooth, and AI, it also features Augmented Xperience technology, which provides an impressive contrast between speech and ambient noise.

Hearing Aid style Slim RIC
Hearing Loss Severe
Max Gain 75 dB
MPO 131 dB
Battery Rechargeable battery
Water Resistant Water resistant hearing aid including water, sweat, moisture and dust.
Channels 18
Telecare Yes
Performance level Advanced
T-Coil No
Manual volume control No
Connectivity Yes
Bluetooth® Made For iPhone (MFI) / Bluetooth LE
Music Music program optimized to improve enjoyment of non-streamed music.
Manual programs 6
Reverberant room program Yes
auto Acclimatation Yes
Binaural Directionality The exchange of data between both ears allows users to listen to all the information from both sides and focus on the sounds that are important, without losing contact with what happens around them.
Micro directionality Adaptive
Sudden noise reducer High
Wind noise reducer High
Sound generator Tinnitus Yes
Own voice processing Uses real-time recognition of the wearer's voice to deliver a natural own-voice impression.
Noise reducer 4 Medium/High
Frequency compression It shifts the acute frequencies downwards in the sound spectrum, improving audibility and sound quality at high frequencies, particularly in speech signals.
RealTime Conversation Enhancement 4 Medim/High
Conversation Booster 4 Medium/High
Motion sensor Yes
Speech Focus Steers directional microphone beam to the dominant speech source.


User manual: Click Here

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